Monday, January 6, 2014

FHE Week 1

One of our family goals for 2014 is to hold Family Home Evening each week.  We're going to try to do it on Sunday night and if it doesn't happen then, we still have Monday night to try again.  :)  With two little ones ages two and under around here, going to all the effort for FHE seems a bit silly, but we know it's important.  Plus, with the things Johnny has learned from the TV, we figure we should try to get some things in there too.

For our first one I picked a topic Johnny really needs to work on.  The minute we start praying, he's either eating or giggling or playing.

I started by showing a phone and asking what it was.  We talked about what it is used for. Communicating with people. I then said there is a way we can talk to our Heavenly Father and it is prayer.

Then we went over the "rules" of prayer.  (I read on a blog somewhere that with little kids you need to keep it simple and use pictures. It also helps us to be able to remind him by going over the few things on the list when needed.)

Then we went through this powerpoint on the laptop and modeled what we should do with these body parts during prayer.

Tortilla snowflakes- Target has these 4 inch flower tortillas that I couldn't resist!  They probably weren't the easiest tortillas to use for this activity, but they were totally cute!  I also think next time we will cinnamon and sugar them before we stick them in the oven so they're more carmelly!  Plus, we didn't use the oil, we just used spray margarine- with kids, that stuff is AWESOME!!!!

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